Afghan Hound Dog Breed Information

Afghan Hound Dog Breed Information complaints number & email

Dog Breed Group: Hound

Height : Male : 68 - 74cm , Female : 60 - 69cm

Weight: Male : 26 - 34kg , Female : 26 - 34kg

Life Span: 12 – 14 years

Adaptability Considered very adaptable due to their high level of intelligence.

Trainability Afghans can be difficult to train because they are stubborn.

Friendliness They are loving and extremely loyal to the people they bond with.

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The Afghan Hound Dog is raised in Afghanistan’s chilly highlands because of its unique ability to endure harsh temperatures. The King of Sight Hounds is another name for an Afghan hound. It is so named because it is considered a member of the magnificent breed, one of the world’s oldest breeds.

If you want to add an Afghan hound dog to your home, then in this article, we have included all the relevant information about an Afghan hound dogs.

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History of the Afghan Hound Dog

A canine breed with a long history that goes back thousands of years is the Afghan Hound. Diese, an elegant and graceful breed, is known for its distinctive appearance, characterized by its long, flowing coat and slender build. Here is a brief history of the Afghan hound:

Ancient Origins:

The Afghan hound’s origins can be traced back to the mountainous regions of Afghanistan and the surrounding areas of Central Asia. These dogs were initially bred by nomadic tribes in the region to assist with hunting large game, such as leopards, deer, and even wolves.

Hunting Dog:

Afghan Hounds were highly prized for their hunting abilities. They were used by the Afghan tribes to pursue and capture games in the rugged terrain of the region. They were superb hunters thanks to their skill, quickness, and good eyesight.

Introduction to the West:

Afghan Hounds first came to the attention of the Western World in the late 19th century, when British soldiers stationed in Afghanistan brought these dogs back to England. They were impressed by the breed’s beauty and hunting prowess.

Popularity in the West:

Afghan Hounds gained popularity in the West during the early 20th century. Their exotic appearance and regal demeanor appealed to dog enthusiasts and breeders. The American Kennel Club (AKC) granted the breed formal recognition in 1926.

Breed Standard:

The Afghan hound’s breed standard emphasizes its unique physical characteristics, including its long, silky coat, slim and graceful body, and distinctive top knot of hair on the head. The breed is known for its aristocratic appearance.

Modern Role:

While Afghan Hounds were originally bred as hunting dogs, they are primarily kept as Companion Animals and Show Dogs. Their striking appearance and graceful movements make them a popular choice for dog shows and competitions.


The long coat of Afghan Hounds requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. They are a low-shedding breed, but do require specific care to maintain their luxurious fur.

Unique Challenges:

Afghan Hounds are known for their speed and agility, which makes them prone to chasing small animals. They also have a strong prey drive, so they should be supervised outdoors. Additionally, their independent nature can make training challenging for novice dog owners.

Overall, the Afghan hound’s history is the story of a noble hunting dog from the rugged mountains of Afghanistan that has transitioned into a beloved and elegant companion in the modern world.

The Appearance of the Afghan Hound Dog

The Afghan hound is a distinctive and elegant breed, known for its graceful appearance and unique physical characteristics. Hier’s a description of the Afghan hound’s appearance:


Male: 68 to 74 cm, Female: 63 to 69 cm


Male: 25 to 27 kg, Female: 23 to 25 kg


The long, flowing coat of the Afghan hound is one of its most defining characteristics. The skin is silky, refined, owing, and comes in various colors and patterns, including black, cream, brindle, blue, red, and white. Some Afghan Hounds have a black mask on their faces.


Afghan Hounds have a unique tail that is long and carried in a slight curve. It is often called a “ringtail” due to its distinctive shape.


The head of an Afghan hound is refined and somewhat narrow. They have a long, straight nose and a distinctive topknot of hair on their head.


Afghan Hounds have long, pendant ears set low on the sides of their head and covered with long, flowing hair.


Their almond-shaped eyes are dark and expressive, with a distant and dignified gaze.


Afghan Hounds have a long, arched neck that adds to their regal appearance.


Their body is characterized by a deep chest, a level back, and a tucked-up abdomen. They have strong, slender legs and tiny, round feet.


Afghan Hounds are known for their graceful and effortless gait. They move with a floating and smooth stride.

Overall Appearance: Afghan Hounds have a dignified and aristocratic appearance, often described as „the king of dogs” due to their regal bearing and elegant presence.

It’s important to note that maintaining a beautiful coat requires regular grooming and care to prevent matting and tangles. Afghan Hounds are a breed with a rich history and a striking appearance that has made them a popular choice for Dog Enthusiasts and Show Competitors alike.

Temperament and Personality of the Afghan Hound Dog

The Afghan Hound is known for its unique temperament and personality traits. Here are some key characteristics that define the temperament and personality of Afghan Hound Dogs:


Afghan Hounds are known for their independence. They are not always eager to please and may have a bit of a stubborn streak. Diese Independence can make it a challenge to train novice dog owners.


Afghan Hounds can be aloof and reserved around strangers. They are not typically the type of dog that immediately warms up to new people. However, they are generally loyal to their families.


Despite their Aloofness, Afghan Hounds are generally gentle dogs. They are known to be good with children and can coexist peacefully with other dogs and pets, provided they are appropriately socialized from a young age.


Afghan Hounds are sensitive dogs that may react negatively to harsh training methods or punishment. Positive reinforcement and gentle training techniques tend to work best with this breed.


Afghan Hounds have a playful and somewhat mischievous side. They enjoy running and playing, and their high energy levels mean they need regular exercise and mental Stimulation.

Elegant and Graceful:

Afghan Hounds are often described as elegant and graceful dogs. They have a regal appearance with their long, flowing coat and slender physique. Their dignified demeanor is part of their charm.

High Prey Drive:

Afghan Hounds have a strong prey drive, a remnant of their hunting background. They may chase smaller animals, so it’s essential to keep them on a leash or in a secure, fenced area when outdoors.

Low Obedience:

Afghan Hounds are not known for their Obedience. They may choose to follow commands selectively, and recall can be challenging, especially when distracted by something they find more interesting.

Low Barking:

Afghan Hounds are generally not excessive barkers. They are a quiet breed and may only bark when they feel it is necessary.

Affectionate with Families:

While they can be aloof with strangers, Afghan Hounds are often quite affectionate with their families. They may enjoy lounging around the house with their loved ones and seek attention and affection from their human companions.

Escape Artists:

Afghan Hounds are known for their ability to jump high fences and dig under them, if they are determined to chase something. Owners need to be vigilant about securing their yards.

In summary, Afghan Hounds are a unique breed with a combination of aloofness and affection, independence and sensitivity, and a strong prey drive. They are best suited for experienced dog owners who can provide the appropriate training, Socialization, and Exercise to ensure they thrive in a loving home.

Health and Care of the Afghan Hound Dog

The Afghan hound is a graceful and elegant breed, known for its long, flowing coat and slender physique. Taking care of an Afghan hound requires attention to their unique needs, which include grooming, exercise, nutrition, and overall health. Following are some suggestions for Caring for your Afghan Hound:


Feed your Afghan hound a high-quality dog food appropriate for their age, size, and activity level. Be mindful of their slim build; avoid overfeeding, which can lead to obesity.

Veterinary Care:

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor your Afghan hound’s overall health and address potential issues.

Follow your veterinarian’s advice on vaccines, flea and tick prevention, and heartworm medicine. Discuss with your vet specific health concerns that may affect Afghan Hounds, such as hip dysplasia and cataracts.

Socialization and Training:

Afghan Hounds are typically aloof with strangers, but can be very loyal and affectionate with their families. Early socialization is important to ensure they are well-behaved around other dogs and people. Obedience training is also crucial to keep them under control, as they have an independent streak.

Environmental Considerations:

Afghan Hounds are sensitive to extreme temperatures, so provide appropriate shelter and avoid exposure to harsh weather conditions. Secure your yard with a high fence, as they are known to be skilled escape artists.

Mental Stimulation:

Because they are intelligent canines, Afghan Hounds benefit from mental exercise. Interactive games and puzzle toys may keep kids’ minds occupied.

Love and Attention:

Afghan Hounds thrive on companionship and love being part of a family. Spend time with your dog, show them love, and care for their emotional needs.

Remember that each Afghan hound is unique, so pay attention to your dog’s preferences and needs. By providing proper care and attention, you can ensure that your Afghan hound lives a happy and healthy life.

Food and Diet of the Afghan Hound Dog

The Afghan hound is a unique and elegant breed of dog that has specific dietary needs. Here is a general overview of the food and diet considerations for Afghan Hound Dogs:

High-Quality Dog Food:

Afghan Hounds thrive on high-quality commercial dog food that provides balanced nutrition. Look for dog food that lists meat as the first ingredient, as they are primarily carnivorous animals.


For the health and well-being of Afghan Hounds, protein is essential. Look for Dog Foods that contain at least 20-30% Protein Content. The protein should be from animal sources like chicken, beef, or fish.


Fat is another essential component of their diet. Aim for dog food with around 10-20% fat content to provide them with the necessary energy.


Afghan Hounds do not require a significant amount of carbohydrates in their diet. Look for dog foods with limited filler ingredients like corn or soy, as these can be harder for them to digest.

Avoid Fillers:

Afghan Hounds may be sensitive to certain fillers and grains, so it’s best to avoid dog foods that contain ingredients like corn, wheat, and soy.

Portion Control:

Afghan Hounds are svelte and lean dogs, and it’s essential to maintain a healthy weight to prevent joint issues. To prevent Overeating, portion Management is essential.

Fresh Water:

Always provide your Afghan hound with access to fresh, clean water. For the sake of their general health, proper hydration is crucial.

Special Dietary Considerations:

Some Afghan Hounds may have specific dietary needs or allergies. If you think your dog may have food sensitivities or allergies, talk to your veterinarian.

Homemade and Raw Diets:

Some owners choose to feed their Afghan Hounds homemade or raw diets. If you’re considering this option, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist to ensure your dog is receiving all the necessary nutrients in the proper proportions.


Afghan Hounds love treats, but are mindful of the calorie content. Use goodies in moderation and choose healthy options like fruits, vegetables, or dog-specific treats.

Remember that individual dogs may have unique dietary needs and preferences, so it’s essential to monitor your Afghan hound’s health and adjust their diet accordingly. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian can help ensure your dog maintains a healthy weight and receives the proper nutrition.

The Afghan Hound Dog Feeding Guide

Feeding an Afghan hound properly is essential to maintain their health and well-being. Afghan Hounds are known for their elegant appearance and sleek physique, and their nutritional needs may differ from other breeds. Here a general Afghan Hound Dog Feeding Guide to help you provide the best diet for your furry friend:

An adult Afghan Hound should typically eat 2 to 3 cups of food each day, spread out across two distinct meals. Although wet food can be added to their meals, dry food is normally preferred. Puppies only need a small food (around 1 to 1/5 cups of puppy chow each day). When it comes to dogs, overfeeding is quite simple and, if not well controlled, may cause your pet to gain weight quickly. Therefore, nutritional programmers should be established with your veterinarian because each dog has distinct demands.

Water Requirements

The Afghan Hound needs to stay properly hydrated, which is crucial. A dog’s body is made up of around 70% water. As a result, owners should actively monitor their dog’s water demands throughout the day because they can alter in reaction to changes in both outdoor temperature and degree of activity.

The primary water needs for your dog are often determined by its weight, as they are for most breeds. An Afghan Hound should drink around 6 ounces of water daily for every seven pounds of body weight. For instance, a 56-pound dog would need 48 ounces of water daily.

The Afghan Hound Dog Grooming

Grooming an Afghan hound can be quite a task, due to their long, flowing coat and unique characteristics. Afghan Hounds are known for their elegant appearance and graceful movements, and their grooming routine is crucial in maintaining their beauty and overall health. Here are some essential grooming tips for Afghan Hounds:


Afghan Hounds have a fine, silky coat that tends to tangle and mat easily. Daily Brushing is essential to prevent mats and keep their skin in good condition. Use a pin brush or a slicker brush to remove tangles and dirt from their skin gently to avoid harming the hair, be patient and kind.


Afghan Hounds don’t typically require frequent baths, unless they get filthy. Use a high-quality dog shampoo and conditioner designed for long-haired breeds. Rinse vigorously to get rid of all soap residues.


After bathing, carefully dry your Afghan hound’s coat using a towel or a low-heat blow dryer. Ensure the coat is completely dry to prevent mats and skin issues.

Coat Trimming:

A characteristic topknot of hair may be seen in Afghan Hounds. Trim this hair to keep it neat and prevent it from obstructing their vision. You can also trim the hair around their ears and paws to maintain cleanliness.

Nail Care:

Regularly trim your Afghan hound’s nails to keep them at a safe and comfortable length. Long nails may affect their Walk and make them uncomfortable.

Ear Cleaning:

Examine their ears frequently for debris, wax accumulation, or indications of infection. Clean them gently with a dog-ear-cleaning solution and a soft, damp cloth.

Dental Care:

Brush your Afghan hound’s teeth regularly to maintain good oral health. Dental Hygiene is crucial for all dogs to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Eye Care:

Afghan Hounds have long hair around their eyes that can irritate them or obstruct their vision. Keep the hair around the eyes trimmed and check for any signs of eye problems.

Professional Grooming:

Many Afghan Hound Owners opt for professional grooming services. Professional Groomers are experienced in dealing with long-haired breeds like Afghan Hounds and can provide specific care tailored to their needs.

Exercise and Diet:

A healthy diet and regular exercise contribute to the overall health and condition of your Afghan hound’s coat. A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients will help maintain a shiny and healthy skin.

Remember that Afghan Hounds have a unique, aristocratic appearance, and proper grooming is essential to preserve their beauty. Regular grooming not only keeps their coat in good condition, but also helps you bond with your pet and ensure their well-being.

The Afghan Hound Dog Training

Training an Afghan Hound requires patience, consistency, and a gentle approach. Afghan Hounds are known for their independent and sometimes aloof nature, so it’s essential to establish a strong bond of trust with your dog. Here are some Steps and Tips for Training an Afghan Hound:

Start Early:

Start your Afghan Hound’s Training as soon as possible. Puppies are more receptive to learning, and early socialization helps them become well-adjusted adults.


Expose your Afghan Hound to various people, animals, and environments during their puppyhood. Dieses helps prevent shyness or aggression towards strangers and other animals.

Positive Reinforcement:

Afghan Hounds respond well to positive reinforcement techniques. Treats, kudos, and toys can all be used as incentives for good behavior. Avoid harsh punishments or scolding, as it can make them fearful or stubborn.

Basic Obedience Commands:

Start with simple instructions like “sit,”  “stay,” “come,” and “heel.” These commands are essential for safety and control. Practice these Commands in different settings and gradually increase Distractions.

Leash Training:

Due to their intense prey drive, Afghan Hounds require leash training. Teach them to walk without tugging while wearing a leash. Use treats to reward them for walking nicely beside you.

The Afghan Hound Dog Exercise

The Afghan hound is a breed of dog known for its elegant appearance, distinctive long silky coat, and graceful demeanor. While Afghan Hounds are not the most active or energetic breed, they still require regular exercise to keep them healthy and happy. Here are some exercise Considerations for Afghan Hound Dogs:

Daily Walks:

Afghan Hounds benefit from daily walks to maintain physical health and mental stimulation. Aim for at least one or Zweig walks a day, with each Walk lasting about 30 minutes to an hour. Due to their hunting instincts, it’s essential to keep them on a leash or in a secure, fenced area.

Off-Leash Play:

Afghan Hounds can enjoy off-leash playtime in a secure, enclosed area such as a dog park. However, be cautious because they have a strong prey drive and may pursue small animals.


Afghan Hounds have an instinct for running and chasing. They can excel in lure coursing, a sport where they chase a mechanical lure around a track. Dieses’ activity allows them to use their sprinting abilities.

Mental Stimulation:

Afghan Hounds are intelligent dogs and benefit from mental exercises. Interactive toys puzzle feeders, and obedience training can keep their minds engaged.

Sight Hound Games:

Afghan Hounds are sighthounds, which means they rely heavily on their sight to track and chase prey. Games that stimulate their sight instincts, such as flirt-pole-games or playing with moving objects, can be enjoyable for them.

Avoid Overexertion:

While Afghan Hounds are capable of running at high speeds, they are not endurance runners. They tend to have bursts of energy followed by periods of lounging. Avoid overexerting them, especially in hot weather, as they are sensitive to extreme temperatures.


Afghan Hounds should be properly socialized with other dogs and people from a young age. Dieses help reduce anxiety and fearfulness and make outings more enjoyable for both the dog and the owner.


Regular grooming is essential for Afghan Hounds due to their long, silky coat. Brushing their skin a few times a week can be a form of bonding and physical activity for your dog.

Health Considerations:

Always consult your veterinarian for exercise recommendations, specific to your Afghan hound’s age, health, and individual needs.

Remember that every dog is unique, and the exercise needs of Afghan Hounds can vary from one individual to another. It’s essential to tailor your exercise routine to your Dog’s age, health, and energy level while taking their breed characteristics into account. Providing a balanced mix of physical and mental stimulation will help keep your Afghan hound happy and healthy.

The Afghan Hound Dog Facts

  • For a very unusual reason, Afghan hounds are sometimes called “the scented hound.” They are one of the few canine breeds with unique smell glands in their cheeks that can exude a pleasant, musky aroma, sometimes compared to sandalwood or cinnamon. Some fortunate Afghan dogs do have this, albeit not all do.
  • Afghan hounds can sprint for up to 40 miles per hour, faster than the quickest racehorse, which could only manage roughly 44 miles per hour. They are occasionally trained for lure coursing, in which dog’s race after a white plastic lure that moves mechanically over a field.
  • Over the years, the Afghan hound has had some highly famous owners. Zeppo Marx, one of the Marx Brothers’ four vaudeville performers, was one of the breed’s earliest importers to the United States. Kabul and Kasbac, two Afghan dogs owned by Pablo Picasso, regularly appeared in his artwork. Afghan hounds were owned by designers Givenchy and Salvador Dali, and on a more hypothetical (but no less famous) level, the well-known doll Barbie had an Afghan hound named Beauty.


If you want a loyal pet that won’t be overly demanding, an Afghan Hound is the ideal breed. They are excellent for individuals who require company, but they are not the best choice for those who are energetic and want a dog to play with them.

One of the most attractive dog breeds in the world is the Afghan Hound. Because of their looks and devotion to their owners, they have won the admiration of many people.


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