Basenji Dog Breed

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Dog Breed Group: Hound

Height : 16-17 inch

Weight: 22-24 Pounds

Life Span: 14-16 Years

Adaptability Easy To adapt

Trainability Training is not easy

Friendliness playful, Friendly, loyal

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What is a Basenji Dog Breed?

A breed of hunting dog is the Basenji. It was developed from Central African ancestors. The Basenji strangely formed larynx causes it to sound like it is yodelling. The Basenji, sometimes known as the “barkless dog” of Africa, is a small-framed, sensitive hunter with a lovely face.

They make unusual and beautiful pets, perfect for owners who can satisfy their needs for activity and the difficulty of raising a dog similar to this cat. Basenji are energetic dogs who require and like playing or going for daily runs.

They enjoy playing agility and lure games. An bright, athletic breed with lovely eyebrows, a strong desire to hunt, and an independent spirit is the Basenji.

Content Overview

Basenji Dog History

The Basenji is a truly ancient breed with unique DNA that sets them apart from all other domestic dog breeds. Although the Basenji has only been present in the United States since the 1930s, it has a long history.  Basenji-like dogs with curly tails are depicted in African cave paintings; These dogs were presented to the kings of Egypt in ancient times.

Basenji were used as hunting dogs in Africa in the 1800s, but Europeans were drawn to the traits and characteristics of this unique breed. Distemper and other issues made early attempts to bring the Basenji to England problematic.

In 1937, the Basenji were introduced to the country for the first time. In 1942, the Basenji Club of America was founded, and in 1944 the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club. The AKC now ranks the Basenji as the 86th-best dog.

Different Names or Types

Basenji Dog Other Names

  • Congo bush dog
  • Belgian Congo dog
  • African barkless dog
  • African bush dog

Recognized Names


AKC: American Kennel club
FCI: Fédération Cynologique Internationale

Appearance & Characteristics

The Basenji is a small, slim, powerful, and adaptable breed of hunting dog. Being an athletic breed, it is very strong. Basenji feature almond-shaped dark hazel or dark brown eyes, alert, pointed ears, and a bushy tail that coils snugly against their backs.

The wrinkles on their foreheads give these chicks a cute expression of worry. It falls under the square caste, which describes how men appear to be taller, larger, and longer than women. Basenji breeds come in a variety of hues, including black, red, brindle, and tri-color.

Their tail tips, chests, and legs are entirely white. The Basenji breed occasionally exhibits tri-color with brindle tips. They walk with assurance and grace, much like a trotting horse.

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Breed Basic Characteristics

  • Country of origin: Democratic Republic of the Congo
  •  Breed group: Hound
  • Life span: 14-16years
  • Size: Small
  • Height: 16-17inch
  • Weight: 22-24pound
  • Coat: Short and Fine
  • Type: Purebred
  • Shedding: Occasional
  • Colors: Red, Brindle, Black & White, Black, Tri-color, Tan
  • Also as known: Congo bush dog, Belgian Congo dog
  • Good with children: Yes
  • Personality traits: Gentle friendly willful, playful, aloof
  • Good with pets: Yes
  • Good with pets: Yes
  • Barking: When necessary
  • Competitive registration: AKC, FCI

Basenji Dog Size: Basenji are among the smallest hounds, standing between 16 and 17 inches tall and weighing between 22 and 24 pounds.
Eyes: They have dark brown eyes.
Ears: Their ears are straight and slightly covered
Body: Compared to domesticated dogs, Basenji dogs have an extremely high body metabolism.

They have a short and silky coat. All colors have white markings, including red, black, black and tan, and brindle. White legs are characteristic of them, and they also often have collars and blazes.

Color and Markings

Common Coat Colors For This Breed include.

  • Red
  • Black
  • Tri-color
  • Brindle
  • Black &White
  • Tan

Coat Color and Markings

Only the brindle markings, which are the most prevalent of the four varieties of Basenji markings the others being Black Mask, Black Saddle, and With Cap Basenji markings, are present in the breed. They are available in a variety of hues, including brindle, red, and white as well as black and white, black and tan, and white.

Personality and Temperament

Personality of Basenji Dog

Basenji is a hunting dog. She is independent and intelligent, but also tender and cautious accordingly. Being a sighthound, it will chase anything that attracts attention, including cats, squirrels and rabbits. This is not the type of dog that will obey commands immediately.

He needs to consider this and decide whether he really wants to comply with the request or not. He an be distant with strangers, so you shouldn’t put trust in him among cats or other tiny animals until you’re sure he’s grown up with them and recognizes them as family.

Temperament of Basenji Dog

The Basenji is a very special dog. They are excellent indoor dogs and family members who love their family but also enjoy spending time alone. The Basenji is a naturally alert dog that likes to chase things and needs plenty of mental stimulation to keep from getting bored.

The Basenji is generally not keen on meeting new dogs and is hostile towards other animals, while having a low tendency to bite. With children they know, they can be sociable and often form close relationships. Basenji takes great care to keep himself clean and is very concerned about cleanliness.

Activity Requirements

Basenji is enthusiastic, curious and very active. To prevent boredom, they need daily exercise. Boredom can lead to negative actions. It is important for long play sessions in a safe yard or when led by a responsible adult.

Providing a dog with an organized outlet for those instincts and pent-up energy can be very beneficial. Basenji has a lot of energy and the average adult should exercise two to three hours a day.

Because of their intense pre-drive, benzines should also be allowed to run, but only under supervision. Basenji are notorious for acting out if they don’t get enough exercise because their quick minds get bored with inactivity.

Regardless of age, a Basenji needs to be walked at least twice a day. If this breed does not get enough activity, they have a tendency to gain weight. However, depending on their age, the length of each walk will vary.


All breeds are advised to participate in early socialization and puppy training programmes, but the Basenji abundant energy, intellect, and propensity for mischief make them essential. A strong enough mature Basenji can hold you without pulling.

Keep him on the leash and allow him to stretch when he uses it. Many of these techniques must be used to train them. Basenji are sometimes referred to as “cat-like,” which may make training them appear inappropriate. They need to receive varied socialization training.

However, when given supportive and rewarding environments and given access to positive learning strategies, they pick things up quickly. Training sessions should not run longer than five to ten minutes because people lose interest rapidly.

Health & problems

Basenji is very healthy and usually lives a good life of 14 to 16 years. Additionally, ethical breeders conduct health screenings for conditions such as dog hip dysplasia, IPSID and hypothyroidism. To prevent diseases that result in breeding, Fanconi syndrome, kidney disorders, and progressive retinal atrophy, or PRA, can both be detected with gene tests.

Basenji dogs need proper care to prevent them from getting affected by more problems. Such as regular ear checkups, cleanings and teeth brushing.

Dental disease: Dental disease is the most common chronic problem in pets, affecting 80% of dogs by the age of two, and unfortunately, most dogs are more likely to develop dental problems than other dogs.

infections: Basenji are prone to bacterial and viral infections, including parvo, rabies, and distemper, which are contagious in dogs and can affect any breed.

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia: Elbows and hips are both susceptible to dysplasia, a hereditary condition that leads to arthritic joint development.

Epilepsy: Dogs can experience reactive, secondary, or primary seizures. Reactive seizures are brought on by the brain’s response to an issue with metabolism, such as low blood sugar, organ failure, or a toxin.

Feeding Plan

Many breeds like the Basenji dog need to maintain a healthy weight. But since Basenji is known for packing on the pounds, his diet should include biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones and vegetables that are a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals important for optimal health and performance.

To him can can be fed only once or twice a day. Being hardworking creatures, they are used for a variety of daily activities. Basenji needs to be monitored for negative health effects that may result from obesity.

A properly balanced diet is very beneficial for his health. To lead a healthy life they must have the right nutrients and follow a food schedule to prevent overeating and weight gain.

Living conditions

Basenji are energetic dogs who require and like playing or going for daily runs. Do not misinterpret Basenji independence with a desire for solitude. These dogs enjoy watching over their owners. They enjoy playing agility and lure games.

Basenji are no longer employed for hunting, they make wonderful household dogs and live for at least 16 years. They are sometimes passionately devoted to their family. To develop into the best companions, they require a lot of early contact with people.

Basenji is quite simple to make and maintain with a fast swipe once or twice each week with a cloth or brush. Basenji will spend the most of their time carefully licking and grooming their coat like cats.

How to Take Care of Basenji Dog?

Small and short-haired, the Basenji has a high level of energy and a tendency to chew. The Basenji breed does not have a bark, but when provoked, it sometimes howls or yodels. Fortunately, it requires very little maintenance. Be prepared to practice a lot of Basenji every day.

Providing them with proper food and instruction. The Basenji requires only a few washes or concentrated grooming sessions due to its short coat and tendency to spend a long time grooming itself.

Grooming & Brushing

Basenji are one of the breeds that shed very little, but most shed mostly in the spring and fall. Frequent brushing with a hound glove, grooming mitt, or glove is necessary to keep the house free of dog hair and keep the hound looking good. During heavy shedding periods, you may want to groom outside.

Basenji health is important for healthy teeth and gums. Tartar should be checked early and teeth cleaned frequently. To keep their nails from getting long and hard, they need to be trimmed quite regularly, once every week. Their ears should be examined and cleaned.

Feed Healthy food

The following items should never be feed to Basenji Dog Breed 

  • Alcohol, beer, wine or liquor
  • Yeast dough
  • Tomato leaves stem or unripe fruit
  • Salt & salty foods
  • Chocolate, coffee, or tea
  • Moldy or spoiled food of any kind
  • Onions, chives, and garlic
  • Poultry bones
  • Grapes or raisins

Puppy Information

Basenji Puppy Training

When a puppy is first brought home, it has to be taught. A training device can help a puppy adjust to a new home that is very different from their previous one and causes confusion. During this period of habituation and instruction, they learn most effectively and permanently. They require socialization, obedience instruction, and behavioral training.

Behavioral Training

Basenji puppies need behavior training. These tendencies are easily controlled if the puppy is properly rewarded and trained. When dealing with him, be quick, firm, consistent and enthusiastic. Also, it should be timed.

Obedience Training

The Basenji can keep track of things, avoid certain behavioral issues, and assist with grooming by obeying simple obedience orders. As the Basenji Dog may develop their social skills and show their enthusiasm for life, obedience training is always a beneficial activity. They are wonderful therapy dogs and may succeed in dog sports like obedience and rallying with the right training.


Some dogs require exercise at a young age before socialization. A Basenji can be a peculiar breed of dog; he is devoted to his family but avoids socializing with outsiders. With this dog, early socialization and training take place. Any home dog needs training, exercise, and socialization in order to be healthy.

Basenji Puppies for sale

The Basenji, often known as the “Barkless Dog” of Africa, is a small-framed, sensitive hunter with a lovely face. They make unusual and lovely pets. They enjoy spending time with their family. Basenji Dogs typically cost between $1,500 and $3,000, however prices can vary.

Things To Consider adopting a Basenji Dog

  • Basenji dogs are extremely smart and rapid learners. It is difficult to train them, though.
  • Basenji are more likely than other breeds to experience dental problems, and symptoms usually appear between the ages of two and six.
  • Good pets are Basenji. Basenji enjoy being around other animals and people who are in the pack, as well.
  • The basenji can yodel or “barro” but is often quite quiet. They whisper when they’re angry.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Basenji Dog

  • He is clever and highly smart.
  • It is an excellent protector and self-sufficient.
  • They may live in solitude.
  • They don’t require much grooming

Disadvantages of Basenji Dog

  • They demand a lot of exercise.
  • Training might be difficult.
  • The short coat of basenji dogs does not provide much insulation from the cold.

Basenji Dog Photo Gallery

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